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Template:Documentation/color scheme

From WikiHaj
Wikipedia background colors for {{documentation}} (Help:Using colors)
RGB HSV Color General usage Note
#ECFCF4 150°, 6%, 99%   Sample Current documentation background
B #00FF80 Hue=150° (41.7%; 106/255dec) 100%, 100%   Basic hue What we'd call the color
1 #A3BFB1 150°, 15%, 75%   Header border only
2 #CEF2E0 150°, 15%, 95%   Main border; header background
3 #E6FFF2 150°, 10%, 100%   2nd header, accent colour
4 #F5FFFA 150°, 4%, 100%   Main background So saturation in A is a bit off
Colors for documentation navbox

As a suggestion, here are colors for a navbox intended for documentation pages only. They follow the shading of regular blue navbox colors:

| titlestyle = background:#ccffe5
| basestyle  = background:#ddffee
<!-- basestyle= sets groupstyle, abovestyle, belowstyle together -->

For subgroups, in child navboxes:

| groupstyle = background:#e6fff2

Example:{{Periodic table templates}}