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- ...known as Imam al-Hasan al-'Askari (a), was the eleventh Imam of the Twelve Imams in Shia Islam. His father was [[Imam al-Hadi (a)]], and his mother was a Nu Samarra. This sacred site is known as the Shrine of the Two al-'Askari Imams (al-'Askariyain).<ref>Nuʿmānī, ''al-Ghayba'', p. 219; Mufīd, ''al-Irshād'' ...10 KB (1,488 words) - 13:57, 3 March 2025
- ...s speeches,<ref>Qummi, ''Tafsir al-Qummi'', vol. 1, p. 379.</ref> and Shia imams on various occasions were staying and praying in the place<ref>ʿAyyāshī, '' ...tawaf area, and in case someone enters Hijr Isma'il while doing tawaf, the Shi'a jurists have ruled that he has to do tawaf from the beginning.<ref>Tusi,''A ...10 KB (1,606 words) - 11:46, 10 January 2024
- ...artistic architecture. It is interesting that the name of the last Imam of Shi'a and the savior of the Apocalypse is written as "Mohammad al–Mahdi" in one o ...18 KB (3,106 words) - 13:14, 31 December 2022
- ...''Wasāʾil al-Shīʿa'', vol.10, p.280-281</ref> also bidding farewell to the Imams buried in al-Baqi' with supplication.<ref>''Miṣbāḥ al-mutahajjid'', p.714; deeds and worships.<ref>''Al-Ḥadāʾiq'', vol.1, p.403</ref> even some of Shi'a and Sunni faqihs believe that ziyara of the Prophet (s) after hajj is oblig ...20 KB (3,158 words) - 14:08, 16 February 2020