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When you enter Medina, after ghusl al-ziyara (ghusl before visiting holy shrines) and saying the prayer of entrance permission, enter through the door of Gabriel, and your first step should be with the right foot, then repeat takbir one hundred times. Then say a two-rak'a prayer for salutation of the mosque and move toward the noble chamber and stand up there and say:"peace be upon you, O the Prophet (s), peace be upon you, O God's messenger, peace be upon you, O Muhammad b. Abd Allah, peace be upon you, O the last of the prophets, I testify that you indeed propagated your message, and said prayer and gave alms, and advised to do virtuous deeds, and prevented from vicious deeds, and worshiped God purely until you demised, so may God bless you and your pure, chaste descendants."
When you enter Medina, after ziyara ghusl (ghusl before visiting holy shrines) and saying the prayer of entrance permission, enter through the door of Gabriel, and your first step should be with the right foot, then repeat takbir one hundred times. Then say a two-rak'a prayer for salutation of the mosque and move toward the noble chamber and stand up there and say:

Then stand toward Ka'ba in such a way that your left shoulder is located toward the Prophet's (s) tomb and your right shoulder toward the pulpit and say: "I testify indeed there is no god except Allah who is alone without any partner for Him, and I testify that Muhammad is indeed His servant and messenger, and I testify you are indeed God's messenger, and you are indeed Muhammad b. Abd Allah, and I testify you have indeed propagated messages of your God, and advised your followers, and endeavored in God's path, and worshiped God until you reached certainty through erudition, friendly advice,and assisted the truth that you undertook and you have indeed been kind with believers and you have been angry with unbelievers, then God sent you the best nobility of the noble's position, praise belongs to God who saved us from disbelief and deviation, then, thou God, send your salutation and your confidant angles greeting and your intimate prophets, and your virtuous worshipers, and welcome of all the inhabitants of heavens and earth and of everyone who praise you from the first person to the last, thou the Lord of all Being to Mohammad, your worshiper and messenger and prophet and confidential and savior and beloved and intimate friend and the selected
:"Peace be upon you, O the Prophet (s), peace be upon you, O God's messenger, peace be upon you, O Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, peace be upon you, O the last of the prophets, I testify that you indeed propagated your message, and said prayer and gave alms, and advised to do virtuous deeds, and prevented from vicious deeds, and worshiped God purely until you demised, so may God bless you and your pure, chaste descendants."
26 The Mosque of the Prophet (s)
person and the honest individual and the best among your creatures, thou God, bestow him a high degree, grant him paradise and offer him such a deserving rank that all the creatures from the first to the last covet him, thou God, you indeed said : "and indeed if they come to you when they do injustice about themselves, then they beg God to forgive them and beg the Prophet (s) to ask God their forgiveness, they certainly find out that God is indeed forgiving and merciful ",and I indeed come to you while I am repentant and I beg you forgive my evils and I indeed resort to God –my Lord and your Lord – through you in order to He forgives my evils. "
Then stand toward Ka'ba in such a way that your left shoulder is located toward the Prophet's (s) tomb and your right shoulder toward the pulpit and say:  
And beg your wishes. There is hope that they are offered –if Great God determines. Then say the specific salutations to the Prophet (s):
"Thou God, peace be upon Mohammad who carried your inspiration and
"I testify indeed there is no god except Allah who is alone without any partner for Him, and I testify that Muhammad (s) is indeed His servant and messenger, and I testify you are indeed God's messenger, and you are indeed Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah, and I testify you have indeed propagated messages of your Lord, and advised your followers, and endeavored in God's path, and worshiped God until death came upon you, with wisdom and fair exhortation, fulfilled the duty that was incumbent upon you, acted compassionately to the believers, and been firm of heart against the unbelievers. Therefore, Almighty Allah has exalted you to the most honorable position of the ennobled ones. All praise be to Allah Who has saved us, through you, from polytheism and error. O Allah, pour Your blessings and the blessings of Your archangels, Your commissioned Prophets, Your righteous servants, the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, and all those who glorified You, O Lord of the Worlds, from the past and the coming generations, on Muhammad —Your servant, Your messenger, Your prophet, Your trustee, Your confidant, Your most beloved, Your choice, Your select, Your elite, and the best of Your creation. O Allah, confer upon him with the elevated rank, grant him the right of intercession for entering Paradise, and raise him to a position of glory that all the past and the coming generations will wish to have. O Allah, You have said, "and had they, when they were unjust to themselves, come to you and asked forgiveness of Allah, and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful." Here I am, before you, asking forgiveness, repenting from my sins, and seeking your intercession for me before Allah—your and my Lord—that He may forgive my sins."
The Mosque of the Prophet (s) 27
propagated your messages, peace be upon Mohammad who permitted your permitted deeds and prevented your prevented deeds and taught your Book, and peace be upon Mohammad who said prayer and gave alms and invited people to your religion, and peace be upon Mohammad who performed his contract and warned against your threats, and peace be upon Mohammad through whom you forgive evils and hide weaknesses, and you remove sorrows, and peace be upon Mohammad through whom you take away miseries, and you clear sadness, and you fulfill wishes and you save from adversity and peace be upon Mohammad through whom you sympathize your worshipers, and you develop cities, and you defeat the conceited, and you destroy cruel kings, and peace be upon Mohammad through whom you weaken properties, and you shelter from fears, and you break idols, and you sympathize creatures, and peace be upon Mohammad through
And beg your wishes. There is hope that they are offered –if Great God determines.
28 The Mosque of the Prophet (s)
whom you send the best religion, and you endear belief, and you avoid idols and you grace Bayt-Al-Haram and peace be upon Mohammad and his pure and righteous descendants and bless them thoroughly. "