Curtain of the Ka'ba
Curtain of the Kaʿba, also known as Kiswa (Arabic: الكسوة), is a black fabric that covers the walls of the Ka'ba. Covering the Ka'ba with a curtain is considered a sign of respect. The tradition of draping the Ka'ba with fabrics of various colors and materials dates back to ancient times, predating the advent of Islam. Historical sources record events related to the preparation and installation of the curtain of the Ka'ba. Additionally, the curtain of the Ka'ba is the subject of certain legal rulings in Islamic jurisprudence.
Today, the curtain is woven in a dedicated workshop in Mecca and consists of five pieces, each covering one of the walls of the Ka'ba, with an additional piece allocated for the door.
Word and Concept
The Arabic phrase "كسوة الكعبة" means curtain or garment of the Ka'ba. This black covering adorns the structure of the Ka'ba, except the Black Stone.[1] Covering Ka'ba with a curtain is a symbol of respect.[2] And it constitutes a part of the history of the Ka'ba.[3] There has also been a specific position for the custodian of the curtain's affairs, known as hijabat, from the past until now.
Additionally, the curtain of the Ka'ba is the subject of certain legal rulings, with the most significant being the permission to cover the Ka'ba with silk.[4] The Impermissibility of tearing, cutting, buying, and selling the curtain of the Ka'ba according to the viewpoint of some Shia Muslims and also some followers of the Shafi'i school, is contrary to the common perspective among Sunnis.[5] Permissibility or impermissibility of adorning it with gold and silver,[6]and permission to enter behind the curtain for supplication.[7]
There is a difference of opinion regarding who first covered the Ka'ba. Some narratives attribute this action to Prophet Adam.[8] Some historical accounts suggest that one of the kings of Himyar in Yemen was the first to cover the Ka'ba, around the year 190 or 220 before the Bi'tha.[9]
The weaving of new curtains for the Ka'ba continued by the Quraysh, and after the advent of Islam, it was carried on by the Prophet (s) and later rulers. This practice experienced significant development during certain periods of the Abbasid era, with the garment of the Ka'ba being occasionally replaced three times a year.[10] Kings of other Islamic lands[11] and some wealthy individuals would occasionally procure a curtain for the Ka'ba and send it to Mecca.[12]
Weaving of the Curtain in Egypt
After the fall of the Abbasids (in 659/1258), providing the cloth for the Ka'ba became the exclusive responsibility of the rulers of Egypt from 661/1260-1 onward.[13] During the Ottoman era, the weaving of the curtain also took place in Egypt.[14] In Egypt, since the Mamluk era, endowments and special workshops were allocated for the production of materials for fabric weaving.[15]
Workshop in Mecca
With the establishment of the Saud dynasty, a workshop in Mecca was dedicated to the weaving of the curtain.[16] This practice continued until 1358/1939-40 when the Egyptian government requested Abdulaziz to allow the transportation of another curtain from Egypt. Abdulaziz accepted this request, and the workshop was closed. The curtain was once again brought from Egypt. This continued until 1382/1962-3 when, due to the disagreement between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the sending of the Ka'ba's covering from Egypt was halted. Since then, the curtain weaving in Mecca has continued in the remaining workshop.[17]
Size and Weight
The curtain of the Ka'ba is composed of five main parts, each covering a wall of the Ka'ba. The fifth part encompasses the Kaaba's door, known as the Burqa'. In total, the curtain consists of 54 pieces, each piece measuring 14 meters in length and 95 centimeters in width. The total area of the curtain is 2650 square meters, and its weight reaches two tons.[18] Many of the pieces, inscriptions, and patterns on curtain of the Ka'ba are adorned with gilding.[19]
Belt Around the Curtain
The "Hizam" refers to the belt or band around the curtain of the Ka'ba. The belt is made of black silk fabric and is adorned with patterns and Quranic verses in Thuluth script. The belt is composed of 16 pieces, with a circumference of 47 meters and a width of 95 centimeters. Quranic verses are inscribed on the belt, and at specified intervals, "یا حی یا قیوم," "یا رحمن یا رحیم," and "الحمد لله رب العالمین" are written with golden letters.[20]
Curtain of the Door
The curtain of the Ka'ba's door, known as the "Burqa'," is made of black silk fabric and is adorned with Quranic verses and Islamic decorations in gold and silver. Additionally, Sura Al-Fatiha is inscribed on it from three directions. The Burqa' is made of silk, with a height of 5.7 meters and a width of four meters.[21]
The verses inscribed on the Burqa' are as follows (from top to bottom on the curtain):
- ﴾قَدْ نَرَىٰ تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ فَلَنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبْلَةً تَرْضَاهَا﴿ (We have seen thee turning thy face about in the heaven now We will surely turn thee to a direction that shall satisfy thou) (2:144).
- ﴾بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیمِ* رَبِّ اَدْخِلْنی مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَ اَخْرِجْنی مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَ اجْعَلْ لی مِنْ لَدُنْکَ سُلْطاناً نَصیراً﴿ (And say: My Lord, lead me in with a just in going, and lead me out with a just outgoing; grant me authority from Thee, to help me.) (17:80)
Additionally, other verses, chapters, and phrases are written on the curtain and belt.[22]
- ↑ Ibn Fāris. Muʿjam maqāyīs al-lugha, vol. 3, p. 132; Fāsī al-Makkī, Shifāʾ al-gharām bi akhbār al-balad al-ḥarām, vol. 1, p. 122.
- ↑ Baḥr al-ʿUlūm, Al-Tuḥfat al-kirām, p. 159-160.
- ↑ Nāblusī, Kashf al-nūr, p. 14; Subḥānī, Al- Tawḥīd wa al-shirk, p. 210.
- ↑ Ḥillī, Taḥrīr al-aḥkām al-sharʿiyya ʿalā madhhab al-imāmiyya, vol. 4, p. 363; Samhūdī, Wafāʾ al-wafā bi akhbār dar al-Muṣṭafā, vol. 2, p. 140; Bahūtī, Kashf al-qināʿ, vol. 3, p. 180.
- ↑ Ḥillī, Tadhkirat al-fuqahāʾ, vol. 7, p. 380; Rāfiʿī, Fatḥ al-ʿazīz, vol. 7, p. 513.
- ↑ Shirwānī, Al-Ḥawāshī, vol. 1, p. 121; Ḥalabī, Al-Sīra al-ḥalabiyya, vol. 1, p. 280.
- ↑ Damyāṭī, Iʿāna al-ṭālibīn, vol. 2, p. 95.
- ↑ Ṣadūq, Man lā yaḥḍuruh al-faqīh, vol. 2, p. 235; Ḥurr al-ʿĀmilī, Wasāʾil al-Shīʿa, vol. 13, p. 208.
- ↑ Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī, Fatḥ al-bārī bi sharḥ ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, vol. 3, p. 365-366; Ḥalabī, Al-Sīra al-ḥalabiyya, vol. 1, p. 280; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 291; Fākihī, Akhbār Makka fī qadīm al-dahr wa ḥadīthih, vol. 5, p. 230-231.
- ↑ Ḥalabī, Al-Sīra al-ḥalabiyya, vol. 1, p. 281; Imām Aḥmad, Fī riḥāb al-bayt al-ʿatīq, vol. 1, p. 211; Amīn, Kashf al-irtīyāb, p. 360.
- ↑ Ibn Kathīr, Al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya, vol. 13, p. 26.
- ↑ Ibn Khaldūn, Tārīkh Ibn Khaldūn, vol. 3, p. 513; Ibn Athīr al-Jazarī, Al-Kāmil fī l-tārīkh, vol. 11, p. 65; Nawīrī, Nihāyat al-irb, vol. 23, p. 284.
- ↑ Amīn, Kashf al-irtīyāb, p. 360.
- ↑ Sakhāwī, Al-Dhaw ʾ al-lāmiʿ, vol. 4, p. 26; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 320.
- ↑ Sakhāwī, Al-Tuḥfat al-laṭīfa fī tārīkh al-Madīna al-sharīfa, vol. 2, p. 107; Fāsī al-Makkī, Shifāʾ al-gharām bi akhbār al-balad al-ḥarām, vol. 1, p. 123; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 317; Imām Aḥmad, Fī riḥāb al-bayt al-ʿatīq, p. 216; Ḥamdī, Mawsū ʿa al-mafāhīm, vol. 1, p. 553.
- ↑ Daqan, Kaʿba wa Jamie ān, p. 172; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 347.
- ↑ Imām Aḥmad, Fī riḥāb al-bayt al-ʿatīq, vol. 1, p. 215; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 331-332; Daqan, Kaʿba wa Jamie ān, p. 175-178.
- ↑ Imām Aḥmad, Fī riḥāb al-bayt al-ʿatīq, vol. 1, p. 215; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 474.
- ↑ Sādiqī Ardistānī, Hajj az mīqāt tā mīʿād, vol. 55, p. 133.
- ↑ Imām Aḥmad, Fī riḥāb al-bayt al-ʿatīq, vol. 1, p. 215; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 474.
- ↑ Qalashqandī, Ṣubḥ al-aʿshā, vol. 4, p. 282; Azraqī, Akhbār Makka wa mā jāʾa fīhā min al-āthār, vol. 1, p. 258; Bāslāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 358.
- ↑ Bāsalāma, Tārīkh al-kaʿba al-muʿaẓẓama, p. 311-352; Mawsūʿa al-ʿArabīyya al-ʿālamīyya, vol. 19, p. 319; Qāʾidān, Tārīkh wa āthār-i Islāmī-yi Makka wa Madīna, p. 89.
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