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Al-Thanāyā Mosque or Al-Thanāyā Dome(Arabic: مسجد الثنایا or قبة الثنایا) is one of the old mosques in Medina, which was built at the place where the Prophet’s teeth were broken in the Battle of ʾUhud. This mosque was located in the north direction of the tomb of the martyrs of ʾUhud, near the mountain of ʾUhud, but today there is no trace of it.

The story of Al-Thanāyā Mosque

There is no mention of this mosque in the old history and geography texts of Medina. But newer sources have indicated the existence of a mosque on Mount ʾUhud, which was built at the place where Prophet’s Incisors teeth was broken in the Battle of ʾUhud[1]

Reports from the end of the 13th century

According to the report of Tabrizi Mohammadreza Tabatabayi in 1296 lunar year (1258 AD), this mosque was located 150 paces away from the grave of the martyrs of Uhud.[2. Ṭabāṭabāʾī Tabrīzī Hidāya al-Ḥujjāj, p. 213.]

Hossam al-Sultaneh, who went to Hajj in 1297, reports that he entered the Sanaya Mosque and prayed there. According to him, this mosque had a small courtyard and a dome, and it was located in the north direction, above the shrine of Hazrat Hamza Seyyed al-Shahda (a.s.).3[ Safarnāma makka’’ , p. 154.] According to another report, this mosque was rebuilt by Haj Ramez Pasha, the son-in-law of Salim Beg Mainji, in 1303 AH (1265 AH).[4. ʿAlī b. Mūsā.Risāʾil fī Tārīkh al-madīna.p. 14.]

Ibrahim Rifat Pasha saw this mosque in 1319 and spoke about it as follows: “Near the graves of the martyrs, there is a water spring called Ain Al-Thanaya, which has a guar and can be reached by a few steps. There is the dome of Sanaya.” [5. Ibrāhīm Rafʿat Pāshā. ‘’Mirʾāt al-ḥaramayn, p. 393] He has published two pictures of this dome in his book. [6. Ibrāhīm Rafʿat Pāshā. ‘’Mirʾāt al-ḥaramaynp. 599] Destruction of the mosque

Because this mosque was located in the middle of the branches and in the path of the flowing water that flowed from Mount Ahud in winter and spring, over time, first its dome collapsed and only the walls around the building remained, and after a while, due to its lack of reconstruction, It was completely destroyed. [7. .] Seyyed Ahmad Yasin Khiari (1321-1380 AH) confirmed this in his book that the dome of the Sanaya Mosque was destroyed and only the remains of its building remained.[8 .Tārīkh maʿālimal-madīna al-munawwara qadīman wa ḥadīthan p. 192.]

According to the report of Rasul Jafarian in 1416 A.H. (1/5/1375) There was no trace of this mosque in this place.[9. Jaʿfariyān, Rasūl. ‘’Āthār-i islāmi-yi Makka wa Madīna’ , p. 433.]


  1. Ibn Hishām, Al-Sīra al-nabawīyya, vol. 2, p. 80.


  • Jaʿfariyān, Rasūl. ‘’Āthār-i islāmi-yi Makka wa Madīna’’. Tehran: Mashʿar, 1382 Sh
  • Khiyārī, Sayyid Aḥmad Yāsīn.Tārīkh maʿālimal-madīna al-munawwara qadīman wa ḥadīthan. Riyadh: al-Amāna alʿāmma li-liḥtifāl miʾat ʿām ʿalā tʾsīs al-mamlika al- ʿarabiyya al-suʿūdiyya, 1419 AH/1999.
  • ʿAlī b. Mūsā.Risāʾil fī Tārīkh al-madīna. Edited by Ḥamd al-jāsir, Riyadh: Dār al-yamāma.
    • Sulṭān Murād Mīrzā Ḥisām al-salṭana .’’Safarnāma makka’’. Edited by Rasūl Jaʿfarīyān, Tehran: Mashʿar, 1374 sh.
  • Ibn Hishām, ʿAbd al-Malik. ‘’Al-Sīra al-nabawīyya’’. Edited by Muṣṭafā al-Saqā, Ibrāhīm Ābyārī and ʿAbd al-Ḥafīz Shalbī. Cairo: 1355 AH/1936.
  • Ibrāhīm Rafʿat Pāshā. ‘’Mirʾāt al-ḥaramayn, aw, al-raḥlāt al-ḥijāziyya wa al-ḥaj wa mashāʿirihi al-dīniyya’’. Beirut: Dār al-Maʿrifa, [n

Ṭabāṭabāʾī Tabrīzī, Muḥammad Riḍā .Hidāya al-Ḥujjāj. Qom: Muwarikh*