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The tomb of Khadija <small>(S)</small>, the resting place of Khadija, the daughter of Khuwaylid and the wife of Prophet Muhammad <small>(PBUH)</small>, is located in the [[cemetery of Abu Talib]] ([[Jannat al-Mu'lla]] or Hajun) in [[Mecca]].
'''Tomb of Khadija <small>(S)</small>''', the resting place of Khadija, the daughter of Khuwaylid and the wife of Prophet Muhammad <small>(PBUH)</small>, is located in the [[cemetery of Abu Talib]] ([[Jannat al-Mu'lla]] or Hajun) in [[Mecca]].

Historical sources mention the burial of Khadija <small>(A.S)</small> in Hajun, but the exact location of her grave was not known until the first half of the eighth century of Hijra/629. From the mid-8th century of Hijra, a location in the Mu'lla cemetery in Mecca was identified as the burial place of Hazrat Khadijah, and a tombstone was erected for her. Later, a tall dome was constructed over the shrine in the later centuries. The shrine was demolished in 1218/1803-4 by the Wahhabis but was later reconstructed. However, it was demolished again in 1343/1924-5 with the establishment of the Saudi government.
Historical sources mention the burial of Khadija <small>(A.S)</small> in Hajun, but the exact location of her grave was not known until the first half of the eighth century of Hijra/629. From the mid-8th century of Hijra, a location in the Mu'lla cemetery in Mecca was identified as the burial place of Hazrat Khadijah, and a tombstone was erected for her. Later, a tall dome was constructed over the shrine in the later centuries. The shrine was demolished in 1218/1803-4 by the Wahhabis but was later reconstructed. However, it was demolished again in 1343/1924-5 with the establishment of the Saudi government.

Revision as of 13:47, 27 February 2024

Tomb of Khadija (S), the resting place of Khadija, the daughter of Khuwaylid and the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is located in the cemetery of Abu Talib (Jannat al-Mu'lla or Hajun) in Mecca.

Historical sources mention the burial of Khadija (A.S) in Hajun, but the exact location of her grave was not known until the first half of the eighth century of Hijra/629. From the mid-8th century of Hijra, a location in the Mu'lla cemetery in Mecca was identified as the burial place of Hazrat Khadijah, and a tombstone was erected for her. Later, a tall dome was constructed over the shrine in the later centuries. The shrine was demolished in 1218/1803-4 by the Wahhabis but was later reconstructed. However, it was demolished again in 1343/1924-5 with the establishment of the Saudi government.

Lady Khadija (S)

Lady Khadija (S), the daughter of Khuwaylid ibn Asad, was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).[1] ) Prophet married Khadija at the age of 25.[2] From this marriage, six children were born: two sons named Qasim and Abdullah, and four daughters named Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatima (S).[3] In a narration, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) identifies Khadija (S), Fatimah (S), Maryam (Mary), and Asiya as the leaders of the women of the world.[4] Khadija lived for approximately 25 years with Prophet Muhammad. She passed away on the 10th of Ramadan in the year 10 of Bi'tha/, in Medina.[5]


Sources have reported the burial of Khadija in the cemetery of Hajun. This is the same cemetery that was situated in Bab al-Mu'alla and is also known as the Bab al-Mu'alla Cemetery.[6] However, the earliest reports about the exact location of her grave date back to the eighth century and have been recorded in historical sources. The precise location of her grave was unknown before that. Ibn Jubayr (d. 614 AH/1217-8) in the sixth century reported that the graves in the cemetery of Hajun in Bab al-Mu'alla were ruined and forgotten.[7] Taqī al-Dīn, who visited Mecca in the year 696, mentions that the people of Mecca say the grave of Khadija (s) is in Shu'bah, located on the side of Ma'la, but no grave is visible there.[8] Since the eighth century of Hijra, the grave of Khadija gained prominence in Jannat al-Mu'alla and has been mentioned in various sources. Ibn Batuta, who resided in Mecca in the years 729-730/1328-9 , reported that in the Mu'alla cemetery, only a small number of graves, including the grave of Khadija, were recognized.[9] Marjani (770 AH/1368-9), an eighth-century geographer, reported that the exact location of Khadijah's grave in Mecca was unknown. However, it was revealed to one of the righteous individuals in a dream or a state of spiritual unveiling that her grave is next to the grave of Fudayl ibn 'Iyad. In 749 AH/1348-9, a stone was placed at that location.[10] Fasi (d. 832 AH/1428-9), a renowned Meccan historian, expressed doubt about the accuracy of attributing this grave to Khadija. He argued that in Mu'alla, none of the companions of the Prophet were buried.[11] Some contemporary researchers have also expressed doubt about the accuracy of attributing this grave.[12]

Construction of the Dome and Mausoleum

For the first time in 749 AH/1348-9, a stone with the inscription "«ان هذا قبر السیدة خدیجه»This is the grave of Khadija(s)" was placed on her grave. The dome of the mausoleum of Khadija (on the right) and her son Qasim (on the left) is shown in the image before its demolition.[13] Later, a wooden box was constructed over her grave.[14] In the year 950 AH/1543-4, Muhammad ibn Sulaiman, an Egyptian official, built a shrine and a stone dome for this mausoleum.[15] He also placed a new box on the grave, covered it with exquisite fabric, and appointed a caretaker for the shrine.[16] After being demolished by the hands of the Al Saud, the shrine was reconstructed in the year 1242 AH/1826-7.[17] And it remained intact until the fourteenth century after hijra. Reports indicate that fabrics were sent by the Ottoman rulers of Egypt to be used on the shrine's box during this period.[18] Travel accounts from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries after hijra have mentioned the mausoleum of Khadijah. For example, Farahani in 1302 AH mentioned the wooden mausoleum.[19] Rifat Pasha reported in 1318 AH/1900-1 about the tall dome over the grave of Khadijah(s).[20]

Destruction of the Mausoleum

With the rise of Wahhabism in Mecca and the establishment of the first Saudi state, all structures and domes in Jannat al-Mu'alla were demolished on Thursday, 29 Rabi' al-Thani 1218 AH/August 18,1803. The graves in this cemetery were leveled with the ground.[21] After the defeat of this state by Ottoman forces, a dome was once again constructed over the grave and mausoleum of Khadijah. However, this structure was also demolished in 1343 AH/1924-5 following the establishment of the third Saudi state.[22]


  1. Ibn Isḥāq, Sīra Ibn Isḥāq: al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya li Ibn Isḥāq, p. 245; Ibn Maghāzīlī, Manāqib ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib, vol 1, p. 149; Shahīdī, Tārīkh-i taḥlīlī-yi Islām, p. 39-40.
  2. Shahīdī, Tārīkh-i taḥlīlī-yi Islām, p. 39-40.
  3. Ziriklī, Al-Aʿlām, vol. 2, p. 302.
  4. Ibn Kathīr, Al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya, vol. 2, p. 129.
  5. Ibn Saʿd, Al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā, vol. 8, p. 14; Ibn Hishām, Al-Sīra al-nabawīyya, vol. 1, p. 416.
  6. Maqrizī, Imtāʿ al-asmāʾ, vol. 6, p. 30.
  7. Ibn Jubayr, Riḥla Ibn Jubayr, p. 78.
  8. Tajībī, Mustafād al-riḥla wa al-ightirāb, p. 340-341.
  9. Ibn Baṭūṭa, Al-Raḥla Ibn Baṭūṭa,vol. 1, p. 381; Shahīd al-Awwal, Al-Durūs al-sharʿīyya fī fiqh al-imāmiyya, vol. 1, p. 468.
  10. Marjānī,Bahjat al-nufūs wa al-asrār, vol. 2, p. 1016.
  11. Fāsī al-Makkī, Shifāʾ al-gharām bi akhbār al-balad al-ḥarām, vol. 1, p. 376.
  12. Jāsir,Al-ʿArab al-sunna al- ʿĀshira, vol. 3 and 4, p. 278-279.
  13. Ṣabbāgh, Taḥṣīl al-marām, vol. 2, p. 646.
  14. Ṣabbāgh, Taḥṣīl al-marām, vol. 2, p. 647.
  15. Ṣabbāgh, Taḥṣīl al-marām, vol. 2, p. 647.
  16. Ṣabbāgh, Taḥṣīl al-marām, vol. 2, p. 647; Gāzī, Ifādat al-anām, vol. 2, p. 150.
  17. Gāzī, Ifādat al-anām, vol. 2, p. 151.
  18. Gāzī, Ifādat al-anām, vol. 2, p. 170.
  19. Farāhānī, Safarnāma-yi Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥusayn Farāhānī, p. 202.
  20. Rafʿat Pāshā, Mirʾāt al-ḥaramayn ,vol. 1, p. 30.
  21. Sanjārī, Manāʾiḥ al-karam.vol. 4, p. 422; Amīn, Kashf al-irtīyāb, p. 27.
  22. Gāzī, Ifādat al-anām,vol. 2, p. 151.


  • Amīn, Sayyid Muḥsin al-. Kashf al-irtīyāb. Edited by Ḥasan al-Amīn. Qom: Maktabat al-Ḥarīs, 1382 AH.
  • Farāhānī, Muḥammad Ḥusayn. Safarnāma-yi Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥusayn Farāhānī. Tehran: Firdaws, 1362 Sh.
  • Fāsī al-Makkī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad. Shifāʾ al-gharām bi akhbār al-balad al-ḥarām.
  • Ibn al-Athīr al-Jazarī, ʿAlī b. Muḥammad. Usd al-ghāba fī maʿrifat al-ṣaḥāba. Beirut: Dār al-Fikr, 1409 AH.
  • Gāzī, ʿAbdullāh b. Muḥammad al-. Ifādat al-anām. Mecca: Maktabat al-Asadī, 1430 AH.
  • Ibn Baṭūṭa, Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allāh. Al-Raḥla Ibn Baṭūṭa. Edited by ʿAbd al-Hādī Tāzī. Rabat: Ākādimīyya al-Mamlikat al-Maghribīyya, 1417 AH.
  • Ibn Hishām, ʿAbd al-Malik. Al-Sīra al-nabawīyya. Edited by Muṣṭafā al-Saqā. Beirut: Dār al-Maʿrifa, [n.d].
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  • Ibn Jubayr, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad. Riḥla Ibn Jubayr. Beirut: Dār al-Maktaba al-Hilāl, 1986.
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